Thursday, March 28, 2019

Before You Move...

The Painter's Essential Cheat Sheet

Got that feeling that you're missing something before you sit down to start on a project?  Read through this painter's cheat sheet to make sure you aren't.. Maybe even find something you didn't know you needed. 

Helpful Moving Tips

Here are some moving tips that I wish I would have known before my last move!
Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt, born in 1962 left school at the age of 14 to attend Vienna School of Arts and Crafts on a full scholarship. He later opened a studio with his younger brother, Ernst, and a mutual friend of theirs.  They won numerous commissions to paint churches, theatres, and more public spaces.  A year after their studio opened, Gustav lost his father and brother Ernst.  Their deaths impacted him greatly, he began pushing away the techniques of his teachings and adopting a more personal style.  Early 1900's started Klimt's Golden Phase, during this time he created a series of paintings (Shown Below) that made use of copious amounts of ornamental gold leaf and a flat, two-dimensional perspective.

Read and see more about Gustav Klimt here.

"Judith" 1901
"Danae" 1907

"The Kiss" 1908

Bedroom Inspiration

This photo is bedroom inspiration from when I moved into my new house.

"Art is a line around our thoughts."

Gustav Klimt Quote

I have always admired Gustav Klimt's work.  His incorporation of gold leafing to his portraiture is seamless, in my opinion.  I admire his work as much as I do this quote.
